7 reasons to exercises that are not about losing weight.

There are so many more reasons to exercise that are not just about losing weight.  

A note on weight loss: Weight loss is on 90% of our new patient’s goals. A lot of people are looking to lose some pounds. What research shows us though, is that exercise alone is not enough for weight loss. Most is about lifestyle changes, with the most focus needs to be on how we eat. That is for another discussion. 

Movement though, is vital to our health. We are made to move. We are created to move. When we think about being healthier, it is not about being skinnier, but about being able to do all the things we want to do when we want to do them. It is about being able to age with less pain and still be able to be active and lively when we have grandchildren.

Movement is vital to our health and wellness. Here are the seven reasons to exercise that are not about weight loss.

1. Improves brain function

Your brain loves it when you move. Why? It increases blood flow and oxygen. This increase in oxygen benefits by accommodating memory and learning, and even promotes the growth of new blood vessels in your brain. 

As Elle Woods told us in Legally Blonde, endorphins make us happy. The release of endorphins helps balance mood and creates a happier brain. In addition, exercise decreases inflammation in your brain, which assists in helping your brain function at it’s highest level.

2. Reduces stress

Stress is linked to almost every modern disease we have. What is one of the best ways to ease stress (and anxiety and depression)? Exercise. 

Exercise, in the longer term, reduces stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. In addition, your brain will release the hormones that decrease pain and make you happy and calm.

3. Boosts creative thinking

This one is still a bit of a mystery for many on how it works, but what we know is that those that move regularly are more creative in their thinking. We also know that when you have a problem to solve or need ideas, going for a walk can be one of the most beneficial things you can do to boost your creativity. Some links even showed innovation is much higher in the population that stays active. Scientists suggest that the calming effects of exercises and the boost in mood sets the stage of abstract thinking. 

No matter the reason, the connection is enough for us. Get moving to get creating.

4. Eases back pain

One of the most common reason’s people walk into the doors of DHCC Chiropractic is because of back pain. It plagues millions of people every year. And yes, chiropractic does wonders to help correct the problem. But in between visits and for preventative care, movement may be the best thing for back pain.

Exercise strengthens the muscles that support your back.Your body is meant to move, so functional movements lead to better health. When we sit all day, we get stiff and in pain. Repetitive motion and poor posture in the back can lead to pain and discomfort down the road. The main counter to this, is to get moving in dynamic ways. 

Most importantly, exercise brings blood flow and nutrients to your muscles. It reduces stiffening of the back and keeps proper motion in your joints.

5. Lowers blood pressure

Getting our heart beat going with exercises improves the health of our vascular system.  Developing a strong cardiovascular system, your body can pump more blood with less effort. This leads to less effect in your body to pump your blood, therefore, it lowers your blood pressure. 

Short term, exercise decreases blood pressure immediately post movement. If you are feeling stressed or noticing your blood pressure is high, get moving for quick results.

6. Improves energy

When oxygen and blood get moving, you have more energy. As counterintuitive as it seems, if you are dragging in an afternoon, a nap may not be the best option. For boosted energy, start moving when you are tired. You will be increasing the oxygen in your body and getting your blood moving in a healthy way. On a cellular level, your cells love the oxygen boost. 

Movement and an increase in energy is a compounding event. The more you move, the more your body craves to move. Your energy and affinity for movement increases the more you do it. Remember, consistency over time leads to great results.

7. Enhances longevity:

When you think of your future, are you moving in your older years? Able to play with your grandchildren and go on hikes with your family? Do you plan to live for a long, and good time? We sure do too. Movement is one of the keys to longevity. By moving now and making it a constant in your life, you are more likely to keep your balance, have strong bones, be cognitively fit, and not lose as much muscle mass.  Your longevity is highly dependent on your movement efforts. It is never too late to start, but the best day to start is today. 

Reach out if you want to create a healthier life, but need more support in increasing the function of your body. Text us at (302) 736-0330.

7 reasons to exercise that are not about weight loss.

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