Community Events

  • Focus Workshop

    Focus Workshop

    Join us in understanding how the brain develops and how stress can influence the trajectory of brain development. What does this mean for your child and their behavior?

    Click here to learn more

  • April Walking Challenge

    Join us for our Annual Spring Walking Challenge!

    360,000 steps in the month of April. Can you do it!? That averages out to just 12,000 steps per day. Those who complete the challenge win a t-shirt. The person with the most steps this month will win a $100 gift card.

    click to sign up today.

  • DHCC's Annual Cookie Bake Off

    DHCC Annual Cookie Baking Contest

    Join our cookie baking contest. Just fill out the form and get baking. Cookies must be entered by 9am on 12/20/2023. All clients will vote and the winner will be given a great baking basket as a prize!

    Sign up here