Why Won't My Baby Nap? Sincerely, a Tired Mom

Hello new mamas! Welcome to the world of sleep deprivation and the cutest of cuddles.

It is expected for a mama to be limited on sleep with the newest family addition on certain feeding schedules and sleep schedules. But let’s talk about when not enough sleep is just NOT ENOUGH SLEEP! 

Mom’s are often told to nap with your baby naps. But, what if your baby is not napping? If your baby is  not napping during the day, it is time to ask the question, what is stopping the little one from sticking to the routine you two had agreed upon when they were born? Do they not realize the stress this is causing you and them?  

But the truth is, it is hard when your little one is not napping. Napping is the only way for infants to get their full amount of needed sleep.  It is hard for them and it is hard for you. Some moms are told it is just normal or eventually they will sleep. But not napping is a sign something is off. The real question to ask is why your little one is not napping? There is a cause to behavior, even with little ones.

As pediatric chiropractors, we are trained to look at the root of the problem and focus on the function of the nervous system.

First, we want you to know, you are not alone. Often, moms visit our office worried about their little one not napping or sleeping more than an hour at a time. This can cause a lot of strain on the mom, the baby, and the family unit. 

It is important to start with eliminating common causes of sleep troubles in little ones. 

Why might your baby not be napping?

  1. They do not have a routine. Consistency is key with little ones. If they are not having consistent patterns throughout their day it can make it difficult for them to know when to sleep. Part of a good routine is the same movements and habits done each day. Make sure their room is the same, their crib is the same, and their noise levels are the same for each nap.

  2. They are overtired. When a baby is exhausted, it also makes them overactive. There comes a point when the baby is so tired they are almost hyper. They often fight, sleep and cry. These babies are stuck in a sympathetic dominant state. (we will discuss more on this later.)

  3. Their environment is not suited for sleeping. Temperature, noise level, bedding, and light can all affect the nap of the little one. Too much light, too hot or too cold can all make it harder for the baby to fall asleep.

  4. Their nervous system is not functioning at their best. For the baby that won’t nap and won’t sleep, and often cries a lot since birth, look to the nervous system. The nervous system is what controls everything in the body. If there is a lot of stress during the pregnancy or birth, it can lead to infants being stuck in their fight or flight mode. This makes it very hard to sleep and rest. 

What you can do to help infants sleep:

  1. Set up a consistent routine. Routine is important for children and adults of all ages. People thrive with healthy routines. Infants are no different. Routine can be so beneficial for sleep. Setting sleep times for nap and night time is the first step. Consistency in the routine will be important. In the beginning, the little one does not know you are starting a routine. It may be a little challenging to start, but the pay off will be big.

  2. Create the right environment. Going along with the right routine. This includes setting the temperature, removing excess light from the room, and removing toys from the bed. Making sure naps are taken in the same room and they are wrapped the same for sleep. 

  3. See a Pediatric Chiropractor: Some births are traumatic. Sometimes there is trauma in utero. When a child is stuck in a sympathetic dominant state, it can lead to no napping, sleep troubles, being over tired and unable to sleep. When there is stress in the nervous system (sympathetic dominant) then there is often stress with sleeping. Sleeping requires parasympathetic activation. Chiropractic adjustments are so gentle, the babies often fall asleep during them. It is a safe and effective way to help ease your baby's nervous system.

Sleep is essential for the growth, development, and well being of children. As chiropractors that care for infants and pediatric patients, we have additional training in identifying and naturally caring for the littlest of the family with a focus on making sure their nervous system functions optimally. 

When identifying if chiropractic is the best choice for babies, common things to look for is inconsistent sleep, latching issues or a preference for nursing on just one side, only wanting to be held or laid in specific positions, and an increase in fussiness, colic, head tilt, constipation, earaches, or constant spit up. Parents may be told this is normal because it is so common. These are signs that there may be more that the little one needs to thrive. Luckily, chiropractic may be the answer.

Sleep struggles are difficult for all members of the family. You are not alone in having a baby that won’t nap. But there are resources for you and your baby.


How Chiropractic Can Bring Ease to the Pregnant Body.


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