Help! I have AGITATED neck pain while nursing! [5 ways to feel RELIEF]

You have a beautiful baby. You have gone through pregnancy and birth and now it is time to nest at home with your little one. But then an unexpected pain started. As you stare down constantly to adore your little one and are nursing, your neck and upper back are aching! 

It is sore and tight and dull and nagging. You thought after birth you might be in the clear of pain and discomfort,  but now this has started! Much of the pain that comes with breastfeeding is from poor posture that puts strain and pressure on nerves and muscles of the body. Often, the position that women get into breastfeeding is slouching and slumped over. 

Other contributing factors that can lead to an increase in upper back and neck pain are a lack of sleep, lack of support, such as pillows, with holding the baby, and postpartum muscle dysfunction that can be caused by postpartum hormones.

Here are 5 ways you can start to feel relief with neck pain while nursing.

  1. Choose the right position: It is very easy to slouch and put our necks in a pain causing position when nursing or bottle feeding the little one. In addition, we are often holding the weight of the baby putting more pressure on the neck and shoulder muscles. The best position to be in is to take breaks from looking down at the baby. Sitting up a little straighter and bringing the baby up to you (with pillows and support) and taking a break from looking down can help prevent the pain from increasing.

  2. Try Chiropractic care: Chiropractic adjustments by chiropractors who specialize in pregnancy and postpartum, help by restoring proper function to the joint, and removing interference from the nervous system. Birth and postpartum take a lot of your body. Getting support from a well trained chiropractor can be very beneficial in relieving the pain and helping your body function better to keep the pain at bay.

  3. Take a walk: Walking breaks help restore movement and mobility to your body. Walking is one of the most underrated movements we can do. When you are postpartum, starting with slow walks at a speed and distance you are comfortable with can lead to greater healing and less pain.

  4. Support yourself with pillows.. It is important to nurse in a more ergonomic position. Put a pillow under the baby and on your lap, so that the baby is resting on the pillow and not with the weight in your arms. Once that baby is latched (for those that are breastfeeding,) let the pillow take the weight of the baby, and you get to rest your head and shoulders in a more ergonomic position. 

  5. Do wall angels to support your neck and back: Active mobility can do wonders for your postural muscles. Our favorite is demonstrated by Dr. Chi in the video below:

If you are seeking more hands-on support postpartum, please reach out to us at Dover Health Care Center Chiropractic. We specialize in pregnancy and postpartum care to help restore proper function to your body and provide you with support.


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