You Don't Have to Suffer with Migraines

Why chiropractic is the answer to decreasing migraine pain

If you deal with migraines on a regular basis, you need to know something: You are so strong. 

Migraines are debilitating. 

They disrupt your time with friends and families, hobbies, work, and life.  We do not need to tell you this, because you are living with them. You suffer regularly.

 You have probably been given very expensive medicine. Maybe you have tried getting specific piercings, changed your diet, put water on your head, or other ways to treat them because you need to find something that works. So we are going to let you in on a secret: We can help you.

Many of these treatments focus on symptom relief. And when you are in the middle of having a migraine, symptom relief is the only focus. But, what if you can decrease the frequency you even have the migraines?  Getting to the root of the problem is the best solution to decrease, and maybe even eliminate, migraines from your life.

Why Do Migraines Happen?

During migraines, cranial blood vessels become bloated as opposed to a regular headache where those same blood vessels simply dilate. Surrounding tissues in the brain become swollen that become the source of the pain. Some people suffer such intense pain that they throw up and vision gets affected.

 So what is the cause? Migraines are a neurological problem. The exact cause is actually unknown. What we do know is that those that suffer with migraines have abnormal brain activity, nerve dysfunction, with chemical and blood vessels being affected. Triggers for migraines may be food, hormones, stress, pregnancy, light changes, and even pressure changes. Ultimately it comes down to having a dysfunction in the Nervous System, the communication center from the brain to the body. 

Because migraines are a dysfunction in how the nerves and brain are communicating, to get to the root of the problem, we have to look at the nervous system for solutions. This is why Chiropractic is so effective at treating migraines. For many, it comes down to having a misalignment in their spine, causing nervous system dysfunction.

Here is the best news: Chiropractic can help you care for the problem to alleviate the symptoms and stop the pain once and for all.

Chiropractic Management of Migraines

The first step to any effective migraine treatment is an appropriate diagnosis. Chiropractic treatment on migraines has gained so much popularity and the most preferred. Dover Health Care Center chiropractors focus on healing the nervous system and restoring proper function in the body. When you body is functioning well you experience less pain and discomfort, including migraines.

At DHCC, we start with a nervous system scan to see objectively how your nervous system is functioning. Following that we do an in depth history to understand your individual experience with migraines and look at lifestyle factors that may affect your nervous system healing. Then we go into an exam to see how your body is functioning so we get a baseline of where you are at and then set goals for your health that we work towards. Following that Dr. Epps and Dr. Chi we review your individual case and form a plan for correcting the dysfunction in your body to help you heal and experience a decrease in frequency of migraines and intensity of migraines. 

Irregularities or misalignments in some parts of the spine can lead to muscle tension and irritate nerves that control the blood flow to the head, hence, cause a trigger to the migraine headache. Therefore, spinal adjustments by a trained chiropractor is an effective treatment option.

Chiropractic treatment is an exceptional option as it significantly decreases the negative effects of migraines by getting to the root of the problem. This refers to the intensity (duration and severity), frequency, disability, and use of medications. 

Their specialty on chiropractic adjustment is hands-on specific adjustment of the spine. The adjustments are specific to your exam findings. At Dover Health Care Center Chiropractic, the doctors practice 11 different techniques so you can have the care that fits you best.

How to Start Care:

At Dover Health Care Center, we do a thorough evaluation of your structural soundness in your cervical spine and nervous system scans to assess the quality of function in your nervous system. After a thorough assessment, we will begin care that focuses on aligning your cervical spine and increasing the function of your nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments are safe and effective. 

Chiropractic restores the nervous system communication by ensuring alignment. Additionally, it restores blood circulation, improves the immune system,  strengthens the neuromuscular system, and lastly, systematically identifies migraine triggers so as to help in avoiding them.

Visit a Dr. Epps and Dr. Chi at Dover Health Care Center. We are here to get to the root of the problem so that you no longer need to suffer with migraines. Call us at (302) 736-0330.


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